I have told you many stories already about my parents, but I have not talked about some of my siblings before. As you know by the sidebar, I have eight brothers and sisters. This is the story of how my sister Orla was named.
When my father was in the Loch Ness Monster Supolé, he had many adventures. One day he and the Supolé were traveling in Equador on a mission to prove that toothpicks could carry the horrible disease of Arachnophobia(Fear of spiders). They were looking for some proof that supported the theory. They looked in the Amazon when they came upon a gorilla who said he had a lot of experience with the disease.
The gorilla's name was Gil, and he said his whole family had been diagnosed with Arachnophobia, even though they had never been near a single spider. Gil was amazed by the theory and said his mother collected toothpicks since she was young, believing them to ward off evil gobstoppers. My father exclaimed and told Gil that this was why he and his family had been riddled with this disease for so long.
Gil was amazed and tried to form words, but he ended up blowing up the Supolé's boat. The gorilla put it back together with some tape and glue and apologized profusely for what he had done. He explained that whenever he thought of something that was purple and red, the largest thing near him blew up. Gil was very apologetic and was at the point of apologizing for the ninth time when the ship blew up again. He stapled it back together and gave us a token of his gratitude, a pineapple core. The Supolé was too awed to speak, so they left.
They didn't hear from Gil until a full 32 seconds later in the form of the ship blowing up again. They used some extra thread and sewed the ship back together. They paddled away so fast that if you would have seen them you would have thought it was a goose in a mist. When he got home, my father wrote to the gorilla and thanked him for his help, and declared amazing honor. He and my mother were having a little baby girl and he declared that she be named
"Orla" for the the missing letters in "gorilla" and the other half was "Gil". Here is an example: GOrilla
"Orla" for the the missing letters in "gorilla" and the other half was "Gil". Here is an example: GOrilla
That is the story, and Orla also means "Golden Princess" which might explain why her hair was gold. Or maybe that was because that is the color of the tape used to mend the Supolé's boat after its second explosion.
I see... clever, yet I suggest this list of synonyms:
great list, huh?
Oh, simply great!
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