Sunday, November 14, 2010


Here at our CandyCane Llama office complex we have decided to change this blog slightly. This change has caused us to hire over 250 new employees and add a new base in Hummingford, South Carolina. We hope you enjoy these changes as they have cost over $30,000 to put into effect. Happily, we are happy with the effect it has produced.


Junebugg said...

this change has changed life even at my own house. instead of offering me candy on halloween my brother threw the candy onto the ground.

PowerPoint said...

I agree with Junebugg, since I found a really cool postage stamp under a dumpster tire truck ladle. It was very depressing.

Anthony Ketrein said...

I am not really sure what this has to do with anything, but I live in Hummingford, South Carolina. The other day my house was destroyed and a huge building painted with candy canes was constructed.

You might think this is sad, but the people who did it gave me a dollar and some cough medicine so it's okay.

Gary Finn said...

That story sadens my heart. A similar experience happened to me when I was five years old. I was at my house in Springfield, Texas when suddenly a bulldozer ran over my house!!!!!!!
this turned out to be my fault since i had chozen to build my house in a bull dozer yard.
It was also kind of sad because it was the summer my house turned one day old.
If you click the link, you can see what was left of my house. It is a moving sight, so you might not want to click.