Saturday, December 20, 2008

Get to know Nadine!

I have requested permission of my dear friend Aspen LaGombint to assist with interviewing me. I think it is time that my readers get to know the real Nadine! Alright I will turn it over to Aspen-

Aspen: Nadine, I hear that you created your blog for a single very important purpose, and that this was crucial in your plans for the future. What is this reason exactly?

Nadine: I think you might have been misled.

Aspen: What? Oh, well then.....I guess we should move on to the next question.

Aspen: Where are you from?

Nadine: Well, I am from the great and highly populated town of Loch Ness Monster, India. It has been my hometown since I was 3 and 6/10ths years old. It is home to many family friends and of course our dear pet, ole Lochie!

Aspen: That sounds just great. What do you do in Loch Ness Monster?

Nadine: Well, I like to ski. Water skiing, because with the lake right there it is hard to do anything else. Everyday we wake up and quick go for a ski. This is what we do all day and sometimes during the night. We, that is to say my family and I, have little time for anything else and have never gone a day without skiing.

Aspen: You must be good after so much practice!

Nadine: Oh, Yeah, I am the best! Last month I almost stood up!

Aspen: Uhh, great. What is your most memorable experience?

Nadine: I was hoping you would ask that, Aspen, because this is something I tell everyone. You see I was at this donut factory and someone told me something about a blog. Then they made the donut and I said "wow". I don't think I will ever forget it. It is interesting because whenever I tell the story, people get really teary. And then, this is weird, they snort. It is almost like a laugh, but who would laugh after such a memorable and close to the heart experience? Especially at the part where I said-

Aspen: OK, OK, lets sum up this interview before someone gets emotional. Thank you Nadine, I think we all know a little more about you.


Anonymous said...

No! don't throw a radish at me! i commented! AAAAAACCCKKKK!

Nadine said...

Hey you! I know an Agent Pizza when I see him!
